Everyone loves getting money for doing and paying nothing. That is precisely why we are all drawn to sweepstakes. It costs us nothing to enter our names into a contest. Most of the time, these are passed through web searches or email. With the growth of social media, it is just natural that we see more contest in these spaces. One of these is a hashtag contest that can be done on many social media platforms.
What Is It?
A hashtag contest is where you post a picture or comment with the added hashtag that the competition provides. There will be a set amount of time given to post. At the end, a winner will be chosen from those that participate. It is straightforward and brings a lot of attention to the business or person putting on the contest. A typical contest does not get the type of easy publicity as those doing a hashtag contest. By just clicking on the hashtag, you will see all those who have used it and all the great things they have to say about the business or products.
How to Do It?
They are also very simple to put together. You could do it in a few hours. They will help you spread the word if you already have a following once you kick it off. Selecting a catchy hashtag is going to be the hardest part. Find one that is not being used by others and is unique as possible. The next step is to find a prize that will be enough motivation to get people to participate. As more people use your hashtag, you will get more and more traffic. At the end of your time limit, all you have to do is pick and announce your winner.
Make it Fun
While all you need is a hashtag, you will make a more significant impact if you make it fun. An idea for those adding the hashtag is to have a theme added to the contest. All the pictures would need to be on the theme or have the brand in them. The more out of the box you think, the more fun it will be. The more fun it is, the more people will participate. And the higher the participation, the more your following will increase. While it doesn’t cost money, some need more motivation to join. Make it enjoyable and exciting, and it will be more successful than you ever thought.

Don’t Stay in The Past
If your business is still using email to get the word out, you need to catch them up. Everything is done out in the open, where it can be seen and passed around with the push of a button. You don’t want to hide your advertisements. Get it out and seen by all. Hashtags, in general, would be a huge benefit. Hashtag contest will take it to the next level and make sure you are working in the present.
Start your hashtag contest today!