Tag: money tips

  • Avoid being Scammed Online by Fake Prizes, Lotteries and Sweepstakes

    Avoid being Scammed Online by Fake Prizes, Lotteries and Sweepstakes

    Entering the lottery, contests and sweepstakes is a fun pastime for many people. However, the scams associated with this particular hobby are overwhelming. How can you tell if someone is trying to scam you? Let’s take a look.  Scammer Tactics Pay for your Prize- A lot of scammers will tell you you’ve won and then…

  • Why Do Your Parents Still Play Those Numbers?

    Why Do Your Parents Still Play Those Numbers?

    Why does anyone still gamble in general? Everyone knows it’s a waste of money and the machine are faulty. We can get into the studies on the average of people with gambling problems. But, let us not jump to conclusions; your parents don’t have an issue, and you hate the thought that they’re wasting money…

  • OMG, You Just Won The Lottery! What Next?

    OMG, You Just Won The Lottery! What Next?

    Congratulations! You won the lottery! Some will lose their mind and start buying cars, clothes, trips, or a big home. That’s fine, but slow down. Many people who win the lottery get spend-happy and are back in debt in just a few years’ time. You want to ensure your money lasts for the rest of…

  • 5 Things Money Savvy People Know That You Should Too

    5 Things Money Savvy People Know That You Should Too

    Have you ever looked at a wealthy person and wondered what nuggets of financial information they have rolling around in their head? Most people with money have advanced to where they are in life by being extremely savvy with their finances. Here are a few tips that you should definitely know if you want to…

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