
Winning with Friends


Sure, entering contests and sweepstakes on your own gets you excited, but something that can take it to the next level is getting a whole group of friends together to really make the impact count.  Rally your sweepstakes loving friends together, double or triple your efforts and chances of winning and share the wealth when you are successful as a group.  It’s a great way to have some casual fun with friends and get some free stuff in the process.  Below are some ideas and inspiration to get the winning party started.

Group Meetings

Get your group together and decide what and how you want to enter.  You can have weekly or monthly meet ups in person to talk strategy and contests you want to focus on.  When you can’t meet face-to-face, start a group through a social chat app like Discord so you can communicate and post important updates throughout the week.  Everyone can find different contests to enter, bring them to the group, and everyone can decide how to attack each contest until you win.  By having more eyes and ideas, you’ll have an easier time of winning.

Cross Engagement

lottery winner finances

If you are entering online through social media, let everyone in the group know so they can all engage on the contest.  It will be multiple accounts entering the same contest where you can all share the wealth when you win.  It’s like having multiple entries without having to do all the work of creating new accounts.  Everyone can engage and promote – it’s like guaranteeing someone from your group with win.  Keep the buzz traveling through the group so everyone is hitting the sweepstakes hard, creating more action and traction.

Keeping Track of it All

During your meetings, have someone be record keeper of all the contests and sweepstakes you’ve entered as a group effort and see if a pattern emerges.  You can see what worked to make your group more successful and come up with new ideas on how to move forward.  If you’ve found one tactic works really well, keep doing it and see if it sticks and equals more winnings.  The best part is you’ll have fun coming up with new ideas and strategies together. 

Get Ready to Spread the Wealth

Financial Team

Once you start seeing the prizes roll in, celebrate together and make sure to have a good way to split up all winnings.  If it’s a physical prize for winning, have a list of who took the prize home, so everyone has their chance to reap the benefits.  You want to keep this light and fun, not stressful and argument-inducing, so make a plan early and stick to it.  You could even hold all the prizes in storage until you are ready for a big party where everything is from your coveted winnings.  Just make sure you celebrate together and have fun.

Getting a group of friends together to enter contests and sweepstakes will increase your chances of winning and have fun at the same time.  Enjoy the camaraderie while winning big for the ultimate combination of joy and friendship.



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